My first brilliant idea has come to life! I can't be more excited about my life!
It all started with the thought that I would like to be like my mother. My mum, Dr. Shubhada. H.N is a special education teacher in India with 13 national awards, including an award from Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam himself! She is the author of many books in Kannada language. She has inspired and helped thousands of people throughout her life. She is an inspiration to me too.
Since a very young age, I was spiritual. I never fitted into the society of following rules without actually understanding the meaning behind them. Even in the toughest of times, I managed to find little pockets of joy. It sounded selfish sometimes. However, I knew from the very beginning that I am important too and that everything begins with me. If I cannot find happiness without any reason, I cannot give happiness to others. I cannot pretend or support others.
Fast forward, I manifested so many physical and non-physical things over these 15-odd years.
People thought I was lucky.
But deep down it was the power of my mind that brought my desires to life. So many people suggested I start something to spread my knowledge.
I ignored my true calling as I believed I was not ready and that people might think I am crazy to say that anything is possible with your mind!
But during the lockdown, we realised that our family as a whole was so positive! When the whole world lived in fear, we renovated our home - twice! We lived every day with hope, possibility, and ecstatic moments. We practiced gratitude every day. We spent quality time together.
That's when it hit me. I got to share this knowledge. Some people need this mindset shift. So I got certified and started coaching at the end of 2021.
I want to write a book like my mother. But again, there comes the fear of the new! So I wanted to do something smaller.
Something to give me "confidence" and not "to test the water!".
I believe I can do it. I just needed a push. I wasn't sure what it would be initially.
I love workshops and vision board parties. I came across the Mind Body and Spirit Festival, happening in Birmingham. I called up to host a vision board workshop. But apparently, I needed to book a stall too, to be able to run a workshop. But I did not have anything to sell in the shop!
So that's when I started digging deep to find things to sell, something that I could call my own.
I am a firm believer in the bedtime routine. Most people I speak to, browse through their phones before bed and sleep away. I sometimes dream about the movie I just saw before bed! It's freakish! So I wanted to make it easy for anyone to just use the last 10-15 mins bed to reset their mindset and help manifest what really mattered to them.
Everything is energy. Even our thoughts have energy. The Law of Attraction is always working its magic - whether we realise it or not. So my idea is to help channel this energy, and use the principles of the Law of Attraction and Law of vibration to raise vibration and sleep. This not only helps with the mindset and manifestation but also to disconnect with the world and connect with yourself.
It is very important to connect with ourselves at least for some time in the day and to reflect on our journey in this physical realm.
I did some research and there are so many books about subconscious reprogramming. But there are no simple tools such as prompt cards or deck of cards. There is nothing for subconscious training before bed (I said Yes!!!).
There are so many energy rituals you could do. But what can you do that's quick and easy before bed? So I started to put together a few prompts, a few energy rituals, and a card with affirmations. My intent is:
👉 it must be easy for anyone to follow
👉 it must take only 10-15 mins
👉 it must help feel more positive
👉 it must work its way through the subconscious mind with everyday practice
So I took advice from my manager Jo Stroud (Mantra Jewellery) and got Trademarks for my company. Since this is the first of its kind bedtime cards, I also applied for Copyrights to my idea.
"The idea that a deck of cards/tarot/oracle/affirmations cards can be used to train subconscious mind before bed" is copyright protected.
I also got an ISBN number to sell on Amazon. It was a bit of a process. But I am here to stay and it is definitely the best way to go forward in the long run.
I have studied Engineering in Printing Technology. I was also a graphic designer for some time. I am a digital marketing manager in my full-time role. And now I am also a Law of Attraction Manifestation and Mindset Coach!
Everything is meant to come together!
I designed my cards on Canva. I used Adobe Photoshop to design my box. I wanted to have a unique size for my cards. Everyone else has the same size, so I wanted to make my mark. So I chose 89x127 mm.
Normally deck of cards is either 32 or 52. But I wanted mine to be special. I chose 21 cards + 1 instruction card. Number 21 has significance. Number 21 represents perfection. It is also considered a divine power in many cultures. That's the reason my I always use the number 21 in my programmes. Example: 21 days Manifestation Mindset Challenge.
It was hard to get quotes for this unique size and number of cards in the deck. I took at least a week or two to find a printer who could do this size for a reasonable price. I finally went with FREESTYLE PRINT. Steve and Luke were so patient and helpful. They checked all the designs for me to make sure everything looked good. They test-printed the box to make sure my barcodes worked fine. They were also kind enough to record a video of my cards being printed, laminated, cut to corners, and hand packaged! It only took 4 days for my card to arrive!
I had to do a lot of work before that
👉 Get my products on Etsy and Amazon
👉 Take professional-looking photos and videos
👉 Create videos on YouTube
👉 Create content pages on my website for SEO
👉 Last but not least, plan the launch and create a buzz around it
I am now selling them on Etsy. I will be selling it on Amazon just for the Christmas period.
These last weeks have been the most challenging weeks for me. I got up almost every day at 3 am! I worked till 7 am, after which I had school runs and professional jobs. My policy is that when kids are around, I cannot work. So I made sure I put in my concentrated hours when they are either at School or asleep. I don't regret it or complain about it.
I never felt tired or sleepless. My eyes glowed with excitement and in anticipation of something big happening in my life. Something I finally picked up the courage to go for it and execute all by myself - from vision and design to marketing.
I hope this is the beginning of something more wonderful to unfold in my future. I hope I can help more people live their life meaningfully. I hope I can make a difference in this world.
Please support my small business. I hope you enjoy reading and practicing my bedtime prompts. I would love to hear your thoughts on my venture. Remember to wish me luck :)
About me:

I am Pallavi Prasad, your Law of attraction manifestation and mindset coach. With over 15 years of experience in manifesting miracles in my own life, I have been helping others live their life to their full potential with the help of the universal laws of nature - especially the law of attraction and the law of vibration.