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Why MUST your Coach be Spiritual?

Writer's picture: Pallavi PrasadPallavi Prasad

Why MUST your mentor be spiritual? Why MUST your institution be spiritual? Why MUST your networking events be in spiritual alignment?

Why must your coach be spiritual - Business Manifestation Blog by award-winning Manifestation Mindset and Mindfulness Coach - Pallavi Prasad

What's spirituality in Business sense?

Firstly, being spiritual isn't the same as being religious. Although there is a cross-over between them, it's not the same. You can be an atheist and yet be spiritual. I am Hindu. I consider myself more spiritual than religious.

Spirituality is more about knowing who you are and being who you are even in the most difficult situation of your life. With the rise of social media and online presence, it is easy to fake and difficult to stay true to ourselves. It is easier to follow a path that guarantees material success than follow your heart which leads you to true happiness.

Spirituality is about how to manage a certain situation - good and bad - the glory, pride, struggle, and failures. It is about how you see opportunities in them rather than suffering. Even if you see suffering, it is how you can pass this and come out of it in full glory.

The truth about life

Every human wants to earn well and live a life of abundance.

But it's never enough.

We may have a successful business.

But it's never enough.

We are constantly chasing the next goal after another.

We may win an award and the world turns its head towards you in appraisal.

But it's never enough.

Every parent wants to raise their kids well, better than their own upbringing.

But it's never enough.

Every family wants to heal a difficult relationship.

But it's never enough.

We'll be going back in loops. Even with access to greater knowledge in this technology-led world, we'll be repeating the mistakes our ancestors made.

We as humans are meant to experience certain emotions. You cannot escape it.

In this fast-paced world, we do not have time to pause, reflect, and feel our emotions. We do not have time to work on it, heal it, take care of ourselves, and find out who we truly are.

That's why sages leave everything behind and cut all the ties of relationships - not to escape it, but to experience it fully and find themselves within it.

So you may ask...

What's the point of everything?

What's the point of working hard all our lives, earning all this money and drag of life?

What's the point in trying, if we have to experience these emotions anyway?

The most common story of a family is this - What's the point of a 9-to-5 job when your soul is mourning the loss of time with your baby at nursery? But what's the point of the 'financially worried time' with the baby when you cannot provide for the family?

There is never a right answer.

There's never a wrong decision.

Experiences and Lessons

The reality is, it is very important to understand that this experience is real. What we do, how we process it, feel it, and embrace it truly determines how we live our lives and what we become.

When you know this is kind of a simulation we are in. When you begin to acknowledge that everything is an experience and there are only lessons, you will begin to enjoy it! Trust me, even the pain and suffering become part of your being. You will begin to push yourself more to achieve, as you crave to experience more!

So why am I telling you this? What's spirituality got to do with anything and everything?

You will find difficult situations in life.

You want to achieve something but find it hard to see pathways.

You will want to change your job or career but you can't find the right fit.

You will lose yourself a lot of times during your life.

You will not fit in everywhere.

You will find it hard to understand how you really feel and what you really want from life.

You will find it hard to express how you feel.

You will find it difficult to find a safe space to express.

But there are always people around wanting to help. They may be coaches or mentors or business leaders or institutions - mostly selling you their expertise, tools, and techniques. It can even be business networking events promising you your tribe - more like match-making with your potential opportunities.

Most coaches teach how to get there and unfortunately, it won't last forever!

It's because not many teach how your emotions can lead you to what you truly desire.

It's because their coaching is all about the mind, and not about your soul. Mind, body, and soul need to come together to manifest your life of fulfillment.

Always remember to follow someone who is spiritually inclined, and whose intentions are soul-led.

A few people I talk to on social media warm up to my vibe, but turn up to be cold and vibrationally low when met in person. I find it hard to 'try'. I find the energetic non-alignment straight away.

So at this point, there is no use in bonding, as we will not bond for soul connection but for material connection.

Some people find me quiet and introverted. But in spaces where I vibe, I shine brightly. It's just about aligning with my energy, and nothing to do with fitting in.

Why is Spirituality important?

Because the truth is, you will have ups and downs. And when you have downs, your spirituality will lift you up where your mind begins to wonder otherwise. Your mind sees the external world and compares your journey to the rest of the successful world. Whereas your soul sees the inner world and pushes to work on yourself first.

You need someone to guide you inside out. 

I know for a fact that being spiritual can be lonely at times. So it is important to find someone who resonates with your vibe and keep those conversations alive to keep your fire alive.

What if someone is not Spiritual?

Every one of us is different. If the whole world was spiritual, there would be no wars, no hate, no hunger, and no competition. There would be only love! But it's not.

It's unfair to expect everyone to be spiritual.

You meet an infinite number of people throughout your lifetime. Some family, some remain friends, and some acquaintances. People move in and out of your life constantly.

Did you know? When you force through to make a connection (maybe in a networking event or a social gathering), you end up spending your own energy to give away. on the other hand, if the conversations flow - your eyes meet, you laugh, your heart feels good, that's the right emotion you need to be in.

You do not have to connect with everyone in this world - no matter how famous or influential they are. You just have to follow your heart and it will lead you to your desire.

When you need a guide to help you navigate a certain phase of your life, make sure you follow your heart in seeking the right guide. Seek guidance because they vibe with you, not because they are famous or have a lot of social media followers.

"What you seek is seeking you" - Rumi

There is also another vibe here. Some people are seeking you! Help them out in their journey. Share your kindness and love with them.

The more you give, the more you receive

Spirituality and Manifestation

When you truly desire something, it is meant to come to you. This is the truth. It's the same truth for everyone. This truth applies to everything - career, abundance, business, success, relationships, and more.

Sometimes we feel the need to chase the obvious or popular choice to gain abundance - in career or business. But it may not be what your heart truly desires.

I hear people saying "I love to do this. But..."

"There is no money in it" or

"There are too many people doing it" or

"This career works for my needs" or

I promise you, if you follow your heart and enjoy what you do, the universe will lead you to all the success plus the happiness you desire.

You need a coach who can not only reassure you of this fact but also help change your mindset about your manifestation.

You need an institution that not only offers courses but also helps you follow your dreams.

You need a School that not only teaches subjects that the world learns about, but also the tools and techniques to find happiness within yourself in this chaotic world.

You need to seek this.

Let me know what you think in the comments below...


Pallavi Prasad - Manifestation Coach

About me:

I am Pallavi Prasad - an award-winning Manifestation, Mindset, and Mindfulness Coach. With over 15 years of experience in manifesting miracles in my own life, I have been helping others live their life to their full potential with the help of the universal laws of nature - especially the law of attraction and the law of vibration.

I am also the author of Bedtime Prompts; Reiki and Pranic Healer. Energy Manifestation practices have helped me understand the energetics of thoughts, emotions, and purpose that lead us to our manifestations.



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